Oral History Recordings

The Marceline Alumni Association has been organizing reunions in Marceline since __??? ???___, hosting thousands of Marceline graduates over the years. Every year, the class with the 20th reunion in responsible for hosting the ??? banquet ???, and organizing ????….

For the 2023 Alumni Weekend, the Marceline History Connection would like to invite attendees – especially those from out of town – to join us in some small, round table conversations about Marceline history, which will be audio recorded for future generations. The MHC already has over 160 oral history recordings, done by past students of Marceline High School, which are available on this website. (If this all goes well, we’ll have recording sessions for locals on other dates – we hope to capture those who aren’t in Marceline as often, to begin with.)

These recording sessions will be very casual. We’re only recording audio, so you don’t need to worry about how you’re dressed or if you’ve been out visiting all day – though we’d like to snap some photos to go along with the recordings. The sessions will have a moderator to ask a few questions to get conversations started and keep stories positive. To help insure decent audio quality, and so that everyone has a chance to share, each recording session will be limited to 4-6 people (plus the moderator) and will got for one to one-and-a-half hours. (We’re sure you know – an hour of sharing memories goes very fast!)

If you’d like to help preserve Marceline history through these recording sessions, please fill out the form below, no later than ??? 2 weeks before Alumni Weekend ??? so we can plan and coordinate locations. Once we have a list of participants, we’ll email (and txt you, if you provide a mobile number) to confirm your seat.

If you do register, please do your best to attend, as each session has just a few people.

Soon after Alumni Weekend is over, we’ll make the recordings available on this website forever, so that future Marceline friends, family, and fans, can learn about our wonderful history.

If you have questions, please email us, or if you really need to talk to someone, you can call Joyce Clapp at the Marceline Carnegie Library – (660) 376-3223. With email questions, we’ll be able to update this page with answers to your questions so everyone can benefit.

We look forward to hearing from you.

The Marceline History Connection volunteers

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