Chan Judd Family

Chan Judd and family came to Marceline in 1890. He went to work in the John Duke Barber Shop. There was a chinese laundry in Marceline and they fixed the front part of the shop up and Mr. Judd set up his barber shop. It was in this shop that Mabel Judd, stepdaughter of Mr. Judd, became the first lady barber in Marceline at the age of 10. They went from there to Rothville for three years where Mr. Judd worked on the Santa Fe Bridge and in 1901 returned to Marceline. He and his stepdaughter started to work in the old carpenter shop and were there two years. From there, they moved to what is now the Carter Building and worked for Dr. Cater for five years. Mabel Judd (Disney) Davolt is still living in Marceline on East Crocker Street.

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