In 1962 the Marceline City Council was informed by City Manager, Ellwood Koch, that the old fire truck was no longer serviceable and reluctantly passed a resolution that its lone remaining truck could no longer serve any area except that contained within the city limits of Marceline.
As a result of this action, a group of people from the rural area of Marceline met with the city manager. The purpose of this meeting was to form a rural fire protection association. Several months later and, after several meetings had been held, the Marceline Rural Fire Protection Association was officially formed. A fire truck was purchased and the organization was duly incorporated as a non-profit making organization with eighty-four members.
The initial officers of the organization were Eugene Crippin, President; John D. Washburn, Vice President; Charles Clarke, Secretary-Treasurer. Members of the board of directors were Wilbur Hustead, Eugene Crippin, John D. Washburn, Charles Clarke, James Preston, Ralph Willett, and J.O. Williamson.
The rural fire truck is housed in the city fire house and is manned by four city volunteer firemen when a call is made from outside the city limits. The truck is also to be used within city limits if an emergency arises that necessitates the use of two fire trucks.