Russel Fisher – March 13, 1993

Raw transcript

00:00:04 Speaker 1 

In general, what was marshaling like? 

00:00:10 Speaker 2 

I’ll give you some my recollection of probably the 40s. 

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The town itself is about like it is today, and things were busy because of the Second World War. 

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At theater. 

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For entertainment. 

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Several drugstores reeses for the young folks to hang out. 

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Mrs. Foley’s place, which was at the northeast part of town, she had a filling station in the place where the young folks to. 

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Go play the Duke docks and dance and I have the Colts. 

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Older businesses, like one the Creamery, that hired several people that bought milk and cream locally and made butter and pasteurized milk for town delivery. 

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And there was all the pumping stations, Standard Oil and Sinclair are had many employees and of course the railroad was during the steam engine days and coal mines that surrounded the city of Marceline. 

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And my recollection is a lad I got acquainted with my neighbors when I was a young man, we weren’t cold, mostly to heat our homes and you could get a job to your neighbors, carrying in buckets of coal in the morning or of an evening. 

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Splitting their kindling. 

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Carrying out their ashes, mostly for the older retired folks, and I was lucky. 

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I lived in a neighborhood with many retired people and. 

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Was able to make 1015 cents a week from each person by carrying in their buckets of coal and the theater Uptown theater they employed. 

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Mostly young folks and like myself, I started working for them when I was ten years of age, we delivered. 

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The coming attraction bills about three times a week, door to door, and we would count out these. 

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Flyers and stamp them with the Uptown theater, and then we’d. 

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Delivering to each home in the forward. 

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And then worked as an Acer popcorn and then worked about four years up in the booth showing the movies. 

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And those days, our movies would start about 2:00, o’clock in the afternoon and run continuous till about between 10:00 and 11:00 at night. 

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And on Saturday night, we had run the Sunday. 

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Movie as a Midnight show once in a while have a special like at Halloween or some other special event. 

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But theater was a real busy place, but that was about the only form of entertainment in town, and particularly on Saturday, when they had to. 

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The Western and have a double feature of Western and some other movie and. 

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A lot of the folks from the rural community would come in town and do their their trading. 

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And they’d all come to the theater. 

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And at one time Marceline supported 2 theaters. 

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They had the Uptown theater where it’s at now, and then they had the chief theater, and it’s down where the dentist office is now. 

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And they had poultry houses and. 

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Then went to work for the Creamery, which was owned by the McAllister Brothers. 

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We had these early morning milk routes to pick up milk from the local farmers and bring it in. 

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And with pasture steam, then to heat the milk to. 

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Pasteurize it and. 

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Then we’d chip ice and cool it down. 

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Then bottle it and then there’d be a gentleman to deliver the milk the next morning and we’d buy cream from the. 

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Farmers around the surrounding community and and about twice a week, why we would churn and pasteurize this cream and then churn it into butter and then after the butter was made, why we would take this butter out of the. 

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Large bat and put it into square boxes and. 

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Pack it in there real tight and we’d put it in the cooler and then after cool down after a couple days while we’d take it to the butter cutting room and and had a mechanism and buy a hand. 

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Jack you Jack, this big box of butter. 

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Up through some wires and then you’d take a. 

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Another wire and pull it through that made your little quarter pound squares and this butter was all wrapped by hand. 

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And boxed and McAllister sold. 

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Ice cream they years ago I used to make ice cream and then they closed that part out and they go to Columbia once, twice a week and buy a truckload of ice cream. 

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And then they also had a bottling plant, which they modeled the different flavors of the soda pop, which is pretty popular. 

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And our business is Uptown, as I say, the Main Street is. 

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Pretty much the same other thing was all numerous grocery stores on Main Street meat market. 

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Doc Brennan had his drugstore. 

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And those were good Hangouts. 

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They had the soda fountains, and of course reeses. 

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That was a confection area. 

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Had wonderful sandwiches and. 

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And the different things that they could do with ice cream, which is real, real popular place. 


Call mom prayers. 

00:06:30 Speaker 2 

The railroad, of course, had steam engines and is young mine. 

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When I get off work the theater, I’d go with the beam ring, which is next to the depot and steam engines had come in and stop, and they’d service their engines and the men had come up from the. 

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Around the house and they’d hooked up to the air tanks and and they had degrees. 

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These engines with these air air operated grease guns and the. 

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Environment and heat take on water through the big crane. 

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There they’d fill the tanks up to put water on passenger trains. 

00:07:11 Speaker 2 

What stopped up at the depot? 

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Both ends of the platform and they had a service area for these. 

00:07:18 Speaker 2 

Steam engines. 

00:07:25 Speaker 1 

Can you remember any? 

00:07:27 Speaker 1 

Of the city officials in particular. 

00:07:31 Speaker 2 

Yo B.J. 

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Thomas was a mayor. 

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That’s for the head, the city manager, form of government, and he ran a cleaning establishment there on Main Street about I think we’re. 

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Well, it was about 3 doors South of where Zirker jewelry store was on the corner and. 

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There was a Mr. Nall. 

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That he wasn’t a city official, that he was a street sweeper. 

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And that’s before they blacked offed over the brick. 

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This Main Street was brick and some of the side streets and Mr. 

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Knoll would start in all gently around midnight, 11:00 o’clock when I’d get out of the show from work while. 

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See Mr. 

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Noll with his big bro. 

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And he swept the street every night. 

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And Rich Raymond, he was our day. 

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Marshall and Raleigh rusher. 

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He was our our night policeman. 

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And then one other person that really brings a recollection to me. 

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His name is Glenn Fox. 

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He was Superintendent of the Light and Water Department. 

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And a real fine gentleman. 

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And he run that operation. 

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And in 1947, I think when Harold Paden became mayor, they floated the bond issue. I think of around $77,000 and started a street program and that was another place of employment was the city. 

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Most of the work was done. 

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By by by hand, manual labor, and when they started this street program, the first thing they had to do was to. 

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And they they hired a surveyor to survey the streets to see about proper drainage and to put in culverts and 10 horns. 

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And that was another job I was able to obtain. 

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Fox hired me and another fellow to run the chain. 

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This surveyor. 

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And then later on while we worked on the cruise, it would. 

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Dig these ditches to lay the 10 horns for drainage and of the morning early in the morning, while the men that wanted to work or needed a job, they’d show up up at the light plant and this was in the summer time. 

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And they had the water department and the light department. 

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And in this street department and the. 

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Foremans they’d come out and pick the men they wanted to pick that day for whatever job it might be, and the only machinery we had as far as working on the the streets. 

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There was a little Ford tractor and then we had an old truck that had a winch on. 

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It and then the. 

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City either rented or bought a an air compressor with a jackhammer and the rest of it was all done. 

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But the shovels and spades. 

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And the. 

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He’d lay out Burger 10 hornless be laid in the street and it was dug by hand, and the 10 horn laid in. 

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And some of us, you know, we just had various jobs and that’s that’s the way that operated until later on when most and then the well the Township and the city together they had a road grader and a dump truck. 

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Why they graded the roads and then later on they hired a crew to come in and spray the oil and put the chat on. 

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So that was probably one of the first. 

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Big projects as far as the streets are concerned. That happened in 47. 

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And, but as far as the other city officials are really don’t have too much recollection. 

00:11:44 Speaker 2 

Only like I say at Mr. 

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Fox, he was. 

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One fine gentleman and. 

00:11:51 Speaker 2 

The light plant by they had the water department and then they had the. 

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Diesel engines that generated electricity, they had men to watch those, and then at one time they had a big steam boiler there that they generated steam and sold steam to the santafede to heat the depot, and that that entailed the quite an employment. 

00:12:21 Speaker 2 

Two, as compared to the way things are done today. 

00:12:30 Speaker 1 

We’ve talked a. 

00:12:30 Speaker 1 

Little bit about the jobs you’ve had. 

00:12:32 Speaker 1 

What did you do for fun? 

00:12:34 Speaker 2 

Well, our entertainment said earlier we had Mrs. Foley’s place to go to and in town here. And Mrs. Reese’s in the drugstores but. 

00:12:47 Speaker 2 

In school, when I went through school, there was actually only about 2 sports until towards the last part of my school years and that was football and basketball and. 

00:13:04 Speaker 2 

Then they had, like town teams, baseball. 

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The Lions Club was instrumental in building some of the ball diamonds and in my own personal recollection, in high school we had our own team which wasn’t sponsored by the school. 

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We called themselves the White Church and. 

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It was mostly just a group. 

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The lads, most of them, were lived in the country, which I hadn’t lived in town and there was a Johnson boys. 

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They lived at the edge of town and we just played ball with anybody that wanted to play ball and part of the time we would be at a field South of town, just out in the past year and. 

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When they built our airport there in the late 40s and. 

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Don’t know if it was American Legion or the Lions. 

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Think think it was the Legion built the field out there. 

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So actually that was the the sport, you know, people some people had cars. 

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And as I grew up, not all of us had access to transportation, but those that did have. 

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And if you wanted to. 

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Go to a ball game like. 

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You just fill the car up with whoever come along and and the way you went and. 

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And another popular place was the Country Club. 

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Of course, the lake is still there and there. 

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Used to be a. 

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Big clubhouse there where they could have dances upstairs. 

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He was the caretaker, I guess of the place and. 

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You could buy a share in the Country Club. I think it costs like $25 to join and about $12.00 a year for dues, but. 

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That was a real popular place to go to, to swim, and they had. 

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The tennis courts and. 

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Exercise bars and the playground equipment and the the rouquet. 

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Not croquet, but roquet. 

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Place and a lot of the elderly, gentlemen. 

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Played role Kay, which was a pretty serious game with with them gentlemen and. 

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Mcalister’s Pond that was in the northwest part of town years ago. 

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I guess they used to. 

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When the water freezes, while that’s where they cut the ice and store for the summer. 

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But anyway, they they allowed us to use that pond ice skate on these kids. 

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That was one of our Winter Games was to go to Mcalister’s Pond and an ice skate, of course build the fire, you know, and have a good time. 

00:16:04 Speaker 2 

And then. 

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If we had a good snow. 

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We’d go to what we call Banyans Hill, which was on the east side of town with their sleds and gorsen. 

00:16:15 Speaker 2 

If you know any of the Marshalls wasn’t around and and our vehicle traffic wasn’t too great, why? 

00:16:22 Speaker 2 

We would get on Hwy. 

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5 there about the top of the hill there at Chicago Street and boy, you could go all the way down the foot down to about Ritchie St. 

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there on the on the highway at night time. 

00:16:33 Speaker 2 

You know, because there wasn’t any, hardly any automobiles. 

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Unless you know unless one of the marshals come by well, then then you had to get. 

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Go somewhere else. 

00:16:53 Speaker 1 

You mentioned football was the rivalry between Marcelene and Brookfield and the Bell Game not the same? 

00:17:00 Speaker 2 

Yeah, I’d say probably it is. 

00:17:01 Speaker 2 

It was a. 

00:17:04 Speaker 1 

It was the. 

00:17:05 Speaker 2 

Last game played in football after the conference and everything, and yeah, that that rivalry was there and all in good fun, of course. 

00:17:16 Speaker 2 

Of course, as far as the things that’s happened here in the. 

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The late days, you know, with some of the vandalisms, I don’t think we had as much as that then as there is today. 

00:17:28 Speaker 2 

But as far as the rivalry of the that bell, why, yeah, it it was there back, back years ago and. 

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Of course, those that did have cars when I was growing up by a group of boys, of course go to Brookfield and same way a few Brookfield lads had come over here, you know, and took their orange and whatnot. 

00:17:52 Speaker 2 

And that’s about all the recollection I have of that. 

00:17:58 Speaker 2 

Do you? 

00:17:59 Speaker 2 

Do you have any recollections of the teachers you had in school? 

00:18:03 Speaker 2 

Yeah, we had a a number of ladies, dedicated ladies. 

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Like Neva Lamb, she was an art teacher and we had a beldy. 

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Horn was a history teacher, and most of these ladies were were single and. 

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We had a Mrs. 

00:18:26 Speaker 2 

She was in the. 

00:18:28 Speaker 2 

I don’t know where she had talked before she came to the marshaling school. 

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She was here two or three years, but she was a fine lady, and I really can’t remember without looking in the yearbook. 

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What she taught and. 

00:18:43 Speaker 2 

Of course we had coal. 

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Riley payden. 

00:18:46 Speaker 2 

She was her English teacher and Mr. 

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Hill jadick. 

00:18:49 Speaker 2 

He was a vocational egg teacher. 

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Mr. Moore, I don’t know his first name. He was our superintendent’s math teacher. 

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Jo Williamson. 

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He was a coach and algebra teacher, and then in later years he quit coaching and we had a another coach come. 

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Marshalling had when I was in high school, well, they had a well, even before they had to write, write good football team. 

00:19:28 Speaker 2 

You know, they generally was up there in. 

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The conference. 

00:19:34 Speaker 2 

And let’s see. 

00:19:35 Speaker 2 

Oh, I can remember the first school bus that Marceline had the. 

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Vocational Agriculture Boys had a they had a shop, you know, with the handsaws, the woodworking equipment and the first bus that marshalling. 

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And had they bought an old truck frame with an engine on it. 

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And so they made it. 

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It looked like a box car with windows in it, but it was made out of wood. 

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But that was the first school. 

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Because they still had the rural schools and most of the. 

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People that lived in the country went up to about the 8th grade and to the rural school, and then they came into marshalling for high school. 

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And of course that was a problem of of how to get from the country into town, and that was one. 

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One thing when they built that bus, why they had a a bus route and one friend of mine narrow neighbors now he was fortunate his folks had a car and. 

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Him and his sister, I think they drove into town. 

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So Harold came into school. 

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I think about the 7th grade 7th or 8th. 

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But I can remember that that old bus that they made and then of course later on while then the school was able to purchase buses and. 

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Then they started doing away with the rule. 

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Brought them in to. 

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Marsh Lane, which had the two lower grade schools, we called it. 

00:21:14 Speaker 2 

It was Park School, which it was located where Bringers is now, and they had the. 

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See from the 1st to the 6th grade and then the Central School had from the 1st to the 4th and then the 7th and 8th. 

00:21:32 Speaker 2 

Now, if you lived on the east side of the tracks, you went to Central School the first four years, and then you went across the tracks for your. 

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5th and 6th grade at Park School and then those in Park School when you got out of 6th grade, they went over to Central School to get the 7th and 8th grade and then of course on then everybody went to the high school. 

00:21:59 Speaker 1 

What were some of the special events like on the 4th of July? 

00:22:03 Speaker 2 

Yeah, well, now the. 

00:22:04 Speaker 2 

4th of July is about like it is today. 

00:22:07 Speaker 2 

It was, I mean, that thing. 

00:22:09 Speaker 2 

It really drew the people in from all over course we had carnival, you know, just like today. 

00:22:15 Speaker 2 

There were some of the rides weren’t quite as. 

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But and generally they was politicians there to politic. 

00:22:23 Speaker 2 

And of course it was around Ripley Park all on one thing about it I can remember now in school, you know. 

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We had these scrap iron drives and they’d let us out of school and they formed groups, you know, and we just. 

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Go door to door. 

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Through the neighborhoods, picking up any kind of. 

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Pieces of iron 10 or whatever. 

00:22:51 Speaker 2 

Well, our Ripley Park had, I think, like. 

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3 old civil war cannons and. 

00:23:00 Speaker 2 

I guess the city Fathers decided they should go to the scrap heap too. 

00:23:04 Speaker 2 

So anyway, we did it one time, have some cannons, but they’re gone now. 

00:23:10 Speaker 2 

So they they went to help win the second war and that. 

00:23:17 Speaker 2 

You know, just part of the park. 

00:23:18 Speaker 2 

But no, that’s far special events that 4th of July. 

00:23:22 Speaker 2 

Now that was the. 

00:23:24 Speaker 2 

That was one big day and another. 

00:23:28 Speaker 2 

Then a while ago I was talking about the Country Club. 

00:23:31 Speaker 2 

Now once a year they had a. 

00:23:35 Speaker 2 

Well, they just call it a big picnic and all the Members would come and they furnished, you know, the ice cream and the pop and the watermelon or whatever, you know. 

00:23:44 Speaker 2 

And that was quite a thing. 

00:23:46 Speaker 2 

You know to be able to go to this big stock tank and just get you a bottle of pop as many as you wanted and eat as much ice. 

00:23:53 Speaker 2 

Cream as you wanted, you know and. 

00:23:55 Speaker 2 

And without having to pay for it, you know, back in the the days there when you know you want to go Uptown to buy something. 

00:24:08 Speaker 2 

You know, you had to have money. 

00:24:09 Speaker 2 

Well, money just didn’t grow on trees. 

00:24:11 Speaker 2 

And our folks just didn’t have. 

00:24:14 Speaker 2 

You know, any money really to to give a person so. And that’s the reason I’ve I’ve worked or whatever, could you know, mow yards in the summer time with the old wheel mower to make 1015 cents and or carry in coal and then. 

00:24:31 Speaker 2 

Courses you got over, you know, going through high school and you had time like, say, the theater generally hired people, you know, as ushers and ticket takers, Popcorn, Creamery and. 

00:24:45 Speaker 2 

And dot grennon and lamars, they always hired a few high school people and that’s how you made your money to be able to afford to court a girl or. 

00:24:56 Speaker 2 

If you happen to be lucky enough to own a car, you know to buy a little gasoline. 

00:25:02 Speaker 2 

And that’s one thing about marshaling back in this. 

00:25:04 Speaker 2 

Earlier day, there was always opportunity if the person wanted to work to make a nickel, but generally there was a job someplace. 

00:25:15 Speaker 2 

Maybe it always wasn’t the most pleasant of the. 

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Job and the pay real great. 

00:25:20 Speaker 2 

But just like grocery stores, heavens, they always hire people to select groceries and they deliver groceries and, you know, and put up the stock and. 

00:25:31 Speaker 2 

And and really. 

00:25:34 Speaker 2 

You know, looking back over things. 

00:25:37 Speaker 2 

We had a lot of opportunities. 

00:25:39 Speaker 2 

I say in those days that perhaps some of the younger generation doesn’t have today. 

00:25:45 Speaker 2 

And of course, everybody with their own ideas. 

00:25:48 Speaker 2 

But I think sometimes it’s not a bad idea. 

00:25:54 Speaker 2 

A young man or young lady to maybe go out and work a little bit to see where some of this well money comes from, you know? 

00:26:06 Speaker 2 

And but The thing is about businesses today, they’re so much better organized. 

00:26:13 Speaker 2 

And all and and there just isn’t the employment opportunities as they were then as far as the. 

00:26:21 Speaker 2 

The I call it the manual labor, just like the the Creamery work that was interesting, mostly manual labor. 

00:26:30 Speaker 2 

When you talk about. 

00:26:34 Speaker 2 

Processing the milk. 

00:26:35 Speaker 2 

Mostly what you’ve done you you wash cream cans and steamed them and you was wet, you know? 

00:26:41 Speaker 2 

And and. 

00:26:43 Speaker 2 

In the bottling plant why you had to fish all the straws and the cigarette butts and everything else out of them bottles with a little wire and then separate them and. 

00:26:54 Speaker 2 

Run them through the washer bought it. You know it paid you a few $0.40 an hour or whatever. 

00:27:01 Speaker 2 

And the city, now they they don’t a little better when we’re working on those crews. 

00:27:08 Speaker 2 

We was getting like 6065 cents an hour, you know, and then there was many carpenters, skilled Craftsman in this town. That was always, you know, needing hands. 

00:27:24 Speaker 2 

People you know when the depression was over and people got a job then. 

00:27:29 Speaker 2 

And begin to make a little money while they started remodeling their homes and building new homes and and Carpenter business in this town has always been good. 

00:27:41 Speaker 2 

So there was to me there was a lot of opportunities there, the 40s and the 50s. 

00:27:52 Speaker 1 

From when you was little to now how is Uptown changed? 

00:27:58 Speaker 2 

My most my recollection would be because of fires at the North End. 

00:28:05 Speaker 2 

Or the dentist office that where the old chief theater was at that was burned out. 

00:28:11 Speaker 2 

And and I remember 1 cold winter day, Edgar Myers had a clothing store on the ground floor and the above was what they called Caters Hall, where they used to have dances. 

00:28:24 Speaker 2 

All over the big fire there and now that’s where the home savings and loan is located. 

00:28:30 Speaker 2 

And then north of there the. 

00:28:34 Speaker 2 

Eagles Club had a two-story building next to where about where fiddlers at and they had a fire there, and I put that out of business and then. 

00:28:48 Speaker 2 

Later on that corner building where Payton had his paint store well before that used to be a Kroger store and down in the basement was where the marshalling press was located. 

00:29:01 Speaker 2 

Well, that corner was burned out, and of course Mr. 

00:29:05 Speaker 2 

Keane is he’s beautified. 

00:29:06 Speaker 2 

Head corner with the I guess you call it a little park and and his office building. 

00:29:13 Speaker 2 

And then. 

00:29:15 Speaker 2 

Over a word off granted next to him where that used to be seemed like they had a fire in there one time. 

00:29:22 Speaker 2 

So that that part yeah has changed and. 

00:29:27 Speaker 2 

One thing I noticed, the City Hall. 

00:29:30 Speaker 2 

Some years ago they modernized the front of the building and and now they’ve taken that. 

00:29:37 Speaker 2 

Called off and restored the building back the way it was some years ago, which I. 

00:29:42 Speaker 2 

Think is pretty. 

00:29:44 Speaker 2 

And I think marshalling to be pretty proud of keeping as many people in the business buildings as they have. 

00:29:53 Speaker 2 

And but I think mostly it’s just been some of these fires it’s. 

00:29:59 Speaker 2 

Changed some of the. 

00:30:01 Speaker 2 

Bases of the of the buildings. 

00:30:07 Speaker 1 

Thank you for answering these questions. 

00:30:08 Speaker 1 

I really appreciate you taking time out to. 

00:30:12 Speaker 2 

Talk to me. 

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