James Flynn

US Army Air Force, (1942 – 1945) – pilot, POW, WWII

James Flynn, from Marceline, MO, registered for the draft in 1940, but it was late in 1942 before his number came up. As he had always had a desire to fly, he signed up for the US Army Air Force. He married Betty Othic, … > More >

Fred Cochran

Fred Cochran was born in Marceline, Missouri, June 22, 1924. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James S. Cochran. He went to school here and graduated with the class of 1943. While in high school, he studied art under Neva Lamb and after that took his formal art training during the years immediately … > More >

Mother’s Study Club

Marceline, Missouri – Organized 1934
Third District Federated – 1937

Early in the year 1934 a group of young mothers in Marceline interested in child care and training read in the Parents’ Magazine of study articles that could be obtained from the University of Missouri at Columbia, Child Raising Department. They sent for the monthly … > More >

American Legion Auxiliary

The Auxiliary Unit of the Theodore Roosevelt Post No. 264 of the American Legion, Marceline, Missouri, was organized October 5, 1920, with the following charter members: Mrs. Vivian Lancaster Mrs. Belle Stuver, Mrs. Rosa Roof, Miss Marguerite Roof, Mrs. Mary Lancaster, Miss Blanche Svensson, Mrs. Ailah Steiner, Mrs. Ruth Heryford, Mrs. Olga Scott, Mrs. Frances … > More >

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