A Veteran’s Family

Carl T. Wright and Freda Wright were married in the 1940’s. From their marriage, eight children were born: seven boys and one girl. Carl was a farmer, Freda a homemaker. Both of their families have a history of service in the United States military. Carl had five brothers who served in World War Il. His youngest brother was killed in action, buried in Italy. Freda had three brothers who served in the military.

Through the years of the Vietnam era, five of Carl and Freda’s sons would go to war. They watched each of those five walk out the door, not knowing if they would return. Days of waiting consisted of watching the news, reading the newspapers, and listening to the radio. They watched the news on TV hoping they would catch a glimpse of one of their boys. They read the obituaries in the newspaper praying their sons’ names would not be there. During this time, one of Carl’s nephews was killed in action. His brother’s only son. Carl and a couple of his sons were there when, against the advice of the funeral home, Carl’s brother opened the casket just enough to feel the scar on his son’s foot. He had to know for sure it was him. The trauma of losing their nephew only heightened the anxiety Carl and Freda felt, waiting for word from their sons. By the grace of God, all five of their sons did return home safely.

Carl and Freda were proud of their sons’ service in the military. They believed in serving God, family, and country.

When we remember our veteran’s sacrifices, let us also remember their families sacrifice. Thank them for their sacrifice of time with their loved ones, either temporary or permanent.

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