On September 18, 1928, a group of ladies were called together for the purpose of organizing a Ladies Society of The Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen. We met in the K.P. Hall over Zurcher’s store. Mrs. Grace Hatfield was our Grand Lodge Instructor.
The Brothers of Lodge #486 expressed their interest by buying the Charter.
The following ladies were present and are our charter members: Edith Bealmear, Arabelle Beebe, Mary Ada Bowen, Eva Bruner, Maude Burch, Elva Fisher, Anna Fisher, Mennazola Fuller, Loy Gray, Viola Gucker, Edith Hainds, Olive McNeal, Malyss McCrary, Emma McKiernen, Iona McCauslin, Fern Myers, Zelma Swink, Effie Swink, Beulah Petska, Norma Turner, Hazel Thome, Hattie Wilson.
All through the 35 years of our organization we have met regularly, increased our membership, attended state and international conventions and in every way tried to carry out the* purpose of our Order which is to render assistance to the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen, to extend the hand of Charity, to help each other in time of need, and to elevate our social and intellectual standing. It is also our aim to cultivate a friendly feeling among the families of the Order.