Movement is on to Preserve Old Bell at Central

The old Central School bell is silent but not forgotten. It has been about fifteen years since the bell has reminded loitering children they must hurry or they would have to “stay in” for being tardy.

Perhaps some of these very kiddies, now grown up, who sometimes failed to heed its warning are the ones responsible for the movement to preserve the old bell. Anyway, some of the alumni have suggested that the old bell be mounted on a base. The members of the school board expressed their willingness to see that the bell is preserved and given a suitable place.

The money for the work, however, would have to be obtained to finance the project. This is often done in other towns by contributions made by the alumni. Some of the Marceline alumni have expressed their willingness to help if enough are interested.

Reprint from: 1929-08-16 – The Marceline News and the Bucklin Herald

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