Second Baptist Church

Man is by nature a worshipful creature however crude the form of worship might be. He is endowed with attributes which cry out the worthiness of God, hence, man provides a shrine at which to worship.

On January 5, 1901, the following baptized believers, Jeff Oliver, Mamie Oliver, J. R. Herndon, W. L. Herndon, and Ella B. Herndon met at the home of Fred Neal for the purpose of effecting the organization of the Second Baptist Church of Marceline, Mo. Rev. J. W. Sears presided at this meeting.

The church covenant was read and the 18th chapter of Matthew was adopted as an article of faith, and in keeping with the Apostles Doctrine, the following were chosen as deacons: Jeff Oliver, Fred Neal, W. L. Herndon, J. R. Herndon; deaconess, Ella B. Herndon; Secretary, Mamie Oliver; Assistant Secretary, Ida Neal; Treasurer, Fred Neal.

At this time the hand of fellowship was extended and the name which the church now bears was adopted.

This organization meeting was the outgrowth of a revival meeting which had been held in the old frame building which had served as the First Baptist Church.

The first minister, the Rev. J. W. Sears, was called March 6, 1901, although no regular worship services were held until the following year when the church building was ready for occupancy. During that period of time Sunday School services were held in the Lincoln School building.

The present church property was purchased during the tenure of Rev. Sears. A grade school building formerly had occupied the site. The congregation purchased the property and one half of the school building from the Board of Education here. The other half of the school building was moved to West Booker Street and used as a ward school building.
Trees were planted in 1903. On August 8,1907, the Missionary Circle was organized by Rev. J. S. Henry, who was then pastor.

Mrs. Ella B. Herndon was elected president, Mrs. Susie Johnson, secretary; Mrs. Lizzie Bruce, treasurer. Other charter members were Mrs. Le Anna Banks, Mrs. Eliza Herndon, Mrs. Rosa Maupin. This auxiliary to the church still functions under the name of Women’s Missionary Society.

The church was enlarged to its present capacity in 1916 during the pastorate of Rev. L. R. Johnson.

The Mt. Zion District Sunday School and B.Y.P.U. Convention was entertained by the church in June, 1918.

While there have been many additions through the years, the present resident membership is 24.

The pastors through the years in the order of their service are Rev. J. W. Sears, H. W. Botts, J. S. Henry, S. Lewis, C. H. Graham, L. R. Johnson, T. T. Glenn, I. L. Talley, W. A. Crowley, H. J. Herring, W. A. Crowley, R. S. Harris, R. C. Campbell, A. J. Clayton, T. W. Redwood, Albert T. Rowan, and the present pastor, Rev. J. E. Timmons.

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