Todd Pollard (b.1967)

US Army, 1987-2014

Todd Pollard was born May 7, 1967, at Ft Leonard Wood, MO. He enlisted in the Army in February 1987. Attending Basic Training at Ft. Jackson, SC and Advanced Individual Training at Ft. Belvoir, VA. Upon graduation he was assigned to the 517″ Engineer Detachment, V Corps in Frankfurt, Germany serving as Squad Leader collecting ground reconnaissance of terrain data supporting the US General Defense Plan (GDP) against the former Warsaw Pact nations.

In 1990, Todd Pollard was reassigned to 1st Cavalry Division, Fort Hood, TX and deployed to Saudi Arabia and Iraq during Desert Shield/Desert Storm. In 1993 he returned to Germany with duty in Heidelberg. During this tour he again deployed with V Corps to Tazar, Hungary supporting the IFOR NATO mission in Bosnia-Herzegovina. In 1997, Todd was selected to be an instructor at the Defense Mapping School Ft Belvoir, VA. He instructed numerous Soldiers and Marines in Basic Terrain Analysis and contributed to course development, adaptation, and instruction of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) into the academy’s curriculum. His dedication as an instructor earned him the Master Instructor Badge.

Todd was selected in 2002 to attend the Warrant Officer Candidate School with a subsequent assignment to Fort Bragg, NC serving as Terrain Analysis Technician for the 175″ Engineer Company, 30th Engineer Battalion (Topographic) (Army). He managed the production of Terrain Analysis products supporting 18th Airborne Corp contingency missions. In 2004 he deployed to Baghdad Iraq to serve as the MNC-I Geospatial Technician, where his platoon provided geospatial support to 18th Airborne Corp and units in the Iraq Theater of Operations. Todd advised the Corps commanders and battle staff on all geospatial services and tailored tactical decision aids supporting theater mission and intelligence processes. He returned from deployment to serve one more year at Ft Bragg, NC in the 100th Engineer Company, 30th Engineer Battalion (Topographic) (Army) maintaining the unit’s Map Production System and continuing support to OIF/OEF missions, FORSCOM, SOCOM, ARCENT, and CENTCOM.

In February 2007, Todd took a Joint assignment in Madrid Spain to serve as the Deputy Geospatial Officer in the NATO Land Component Command. He deployed to ISAF HQ, Kabul Afghanistan serving as the Geospatial Officer for 13 months providing geospatial support and training to ISAF HQ. command staff, multi-national forces, and Afghan nationals. From March 2010 to August 2014, Todd was assigned to US Central Command where he served as Chief of the Geospatial Information & Services section supporting the CENTCOM AOR.

In July 2014 Todd retired from the Army as a Chief Warrant Officer 4 (CW4) and received his highest military awards after 28 years of active service, the Legion of Merit, and the Army Corps of Engineer’s Bronze Order of the de Fleury Medal. He remains in Tampa, FL with his girlfriend Kathy (Malisos) Allwood. Todd holds two secondary degrees, graduating from Campbell University twice with Bachelor of Applied Science in Interdisciplinary Studies 2010 and a second in IT Security Management 2021.

Todd has two sons, Jeffery Pollard currently living in Minnesota and Timothy Pollard who currently resides in Palmer, AK with his wife Holly and their daughter, Todd’s granddaughter, Delaney. Todd shares the joy of a second family with Kathy, that of her son, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter Glendon and Paige Allwood and little Miss Nora, all currently living in Millersburg, PA.

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