Marceline Jubilee


June 29 – July 4.

  • Jubilee House – at corner of Howell and Kansas Avenue. Decorated with antiques in the manner of a house of 1888.
  • Nike Missile – at the corner of Howell and Kansas Avenue. Modern technology at its most destructive force.
  • Agriculture Display
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Elmwood Cemetery

In May, 1870, a group of hardy young settlers met in the Locust Ridge school house to arrange for a place of burial against the time of need. They were building a new community on the wild prairies of southeast Linn County. Elmwood Cemetery, established June 11, 1870, was the outgrowth of that meeting.

Erastus … > More >

Marceline Lodge #544

On September 18, 1928, a group of ladies were called together for the purpose of organizing a Ladies Society of The Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen. We met in the K.P. Hall over Zurcher’s store. Mrs. Grace Hatfield was our Grand Lodge Instructor.

The Brothers of Lodge #486 expressed their interest by buying the … > More >

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