Athena Club

In the fall of 1935, the Missouri Federation of Women’s Clubs, was conducting a drive to organize more clubs in the Third District, of which Marceline is a part. Interested members of the Junior Soros is Club invited several girls of high school age to .meet and form a junior club to be known as The Sub-Deb Club. The prime purpose of the Club was to promote friendship among the members and to eventually join the M.F.W.C. and follow the program of study outlined by the Federation.

By the fall of 1937 all members had reached the age of acceptance and the Club became a full- fledged Junior member of the Missouri Federation of Women’s Clubs.

In the ensuing years the membership changed many times over, as this was the age when members were moving to other towns, going to school, marrying or working in cities. The enrollment was limited to 20 members, but enlarged to 22 in a few years.

At the wish of all the club members the name was changed to Athena Club in 1945. About this time two club members, Martha Neff and Mary Hanson, collaborated to write a club song, which is sung at almost all meetings.

The Pledge of Allegiance, the Athena Pledge, and the club collect are recited at all meetings to remind each member to live up to these important pledges.

Athena Club has won its share of blue ribbons for yearbooks and has been named to the M. F. W. C. Honor Roll many years.

The club has co-operated with the other Clubs of Marceline in all federated and civic projects. The Federation’s feeling that a number of women can accomplish more than just a few, and Athena’s motto, “Nothing great is ever achieved without enthusiasm,” have worked together very well.

Our only charter member is Mrs. Betty Othic Flynn.

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