Edwin Franklin Hayden

Edwin Franklin Hayden, son of W. S. and Eunice E. Hayden, was born December 10,1866, at Detroit, Illinois. In 1874, when he was about 8 years old, he and his parents moved to a farm in this community. It was located near the site of the Marceline Coal & Mining Company Mine No. 2; in fact, the Haydens sold the land to the mine.

When Marceline was incorporated in 1888 and the streets were named, a street was called Hayden Street. It is the street on which the site of the new St. Francis Hospital is being located and is in the vicinity of the original farm.

Mr. Hayden and Miss Bertha Dawkins were married on March 28, 1896, and three children were born to this union: Mrs. J. H. (Lucille) Hoff. Waukesha, Wisconsin; Mrs. Elmo (Maxine) Buck; W. F. Hayden, Ft. Madison, Iowa.

On his retirement from business in 1953, he had been in the meat and grocery business 65 consecutive years. His first partnership was in 1388 with James Shriver. The partnership continued one year. For the next 10 years Mr. Hayden’s father, W. S. Hayden, was associated with him. About 1900 the partnership of Hayden and the late Sam Moore, father of E. A. Moore of Marceline, was formed. This partnership continued several years until the firm of Hayden and Hez Anderson was formed. This association lasted for the next eight years at which time Walter Morrison and Mr. Hayden formed a partnership, which lasted until 1918. From 1918 until the sale of his business in January, 1953, Mr. Hayden was the sole owner of his food market.

In February 1953, after his retirement, the Marceline Rotary Club honored him at a luncheon, and he was awarded a framed certificate and a life membership in the Marceline Chamber of Commerce.

He was also honored by the Marceline Lodge No. 481 A. F. & A. M. on May 17, 1949, with a 50-year pin.

In 1955 Mr. and Mrs. Hayden celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary.

Mrs. Hayden preceded him in death, December 18, 1955, at the age of 80. Mr. Hayden died September 14, 1957, at the age of 91.

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