New Funeral Home in Formal Opening

1934-05-11 - New Funeral Home in Formal Opening

Women Visitors at the Rusk Chapel Will Receive Flowers.

The formal opening of the Rusk Funeral Home, 128 West Ritchie Street, one block west of the Masonic Temple, will be this Saturday and Sunday afternoons between the hours of 1 and 10. The public is cordially invited. Roses and carnations will be given all women visitors.

Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Rusk are the operators of the funeral home here. Mr. Rusk was graduated in March, 1933, from the Hohenschau and Carpenter College of Embalming at St. Louis. For about a year, Mr. Rusk was associated with his uncle, the late M. Y. Rusk, in funeral direction. Mrs. Rusk will assist her husband at the new funeral home.

The Rusk Funeral Home, situated as it is in the residential section of the city, presents a very pleasing and home-like atmosphere. The large white building, well-kept lawn, great trees and blooming spirea produce a very pleasing effect.

The same quiet dignity of the exterior is to be found in the interior arrangement and decorations. The chapel and entrance hall are a lovely harmony of ivory and greens. All woodwork is ivory-colored and plastic paper of the same shade covers the walls.

The window treatment is simple and very effective. Tailored heavy net curtains in a pleasing shade of cream are enhanced with rich-looking straight hung draperies of a soft green. The floor covering and upholstery of the chairs in the chapel repeat the green of the draperies.

The beauty of the chapel is accented by the absence of unrelated decorations. A piano unadorned except by its own well-rubbed lustre and two very simply arranged baskets of flowers complete the furnishings. The room is a pleasing example of knowing when a desired effect has been obtained.

In the family room the same color scheme of the main chapel is used. Every comfort is provided and the furnishings are complete. The embalming room at the rear of the home is finished and furnished in pure white.

Mr. and Mrs. Rusk live in an apartment on the second floor of the building.

The Marceline News May 11, 1934

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