Old Central Bell on a Pedestal – Relic to be placed on corner of school grounds

W. F. Kucharo and Floyd Newman to Contribute the Necessary Materials and Labor For the Project

After about fifteen years of patiently waiting in the basement, the old Central school bell is to be brought to light and given an honorable discharge. The bell lost its job, through no fault of its own, when it … > More >

Movement is on to Preserve Old Bell at Central

The old Central School bell is silent but not forgotten. It has been about fifteen years since the bell has reminded loitering children they must hurry or they would have to “stay in” for being tardy.

Perhaps some of these very kiddies, now grown up, who sometimes failed to heed its warning are the ones … > More >

Marceline Mines May Close Down – The Marceline Herald

Statement is Made by Superintendent – Cost of Production Cannot Meet Gov’t Price.


“Some mines will profit greatly, while others will be compelled to cease operations,” was the comment of Superintendent Jos. Hemmings Wednesday, when he was asked what effect the effect of coal prices by President Wilson would have … > More >

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