Quality Rebekah Lodge

In the Miners’ Hall on June 27, 1907, Sister Ruby Kathan, Dist. Deputy President of Bucklin, assisted by Deputy Grand Lodge officers, instituted Quality Rebekah Lodge No. 475.

The following were charter members: Della Beckman, N.G.; Stephen Wallar, Cora Wallar, Rebekah Wallar, Valentine Maddox, May Gehne, Sallie Roe, Lucille Locke (McAllister), Sue Locke (Payden), Ann … > More >

Eastern Star

Twilight Chapter #66, Order of Eastern Star, was organized in 1897. Marceline was about twelve years old, primitive to say the least. Board walks, heavy lumber was laid for street crossings. There were just dirt streets and much mud when winter came. It was not uncommon for the grocery wagon to bog down and the … > More >

Sorosis Study Club

The Sorosis Club was organized in 1928 as the first Junior Federated Club in Third District M. F. W. C. under the sponsorship of Sorosis, the first Senior Federated Club in Marceline. At that time a Sorosis member, Mrs. Sig Steiner, was president of Third District and it was through her efforts that club plans … > More >

Beta Sigma Phi Sorority

Beta Sigma Phi, an international organization founded at Abilene, Kansas, in 1931 by Walter W. Ross, is dedicated to hundreds of thousands of young women throughout the world, who compose the membership of some four thousand active chapters. It has gained recognition around the world as a non-academic and non-sectarian, social, cultural and civic organization.… > More >

St. Francis Hospital


St. Francis Hospital as it is known today, originated as a ten-bed structure built in 1923 by Floyd Neiman, Marceline Contractor, for Ola Putman. M. D., as a memorial to his father, Benjamin S. Putman, M. D., who had served the Marceline area forty-seven years as physician and surgeon. He called it the … > More >

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