Reve’ Mendenhall was born in 1929. Her parents were Ray and Marjorie (Cunningham) Mendenhall. They were originally from Bucklin and moved to Marceline in either late 1930’s or early 1940’s. In Marceline, they first lived on Walker Street and moved to a home on the corner of Hwy. 5 and Hayden Street in the early … > More >
The decade from 1880 to 1890 will go down in history as the greatest ten years of railroad construction on the American continent. Jt was during this period of unparalleled industrial progress that the … > More >
The Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad came to Marceline in the late-1880s and built what would become the the town we know today. Santa Fe decided they needed a road from Kansas City to Chicago, and Marceline became this Missouri division point because of it’s rich deposits of coal. Marceline was incorporated on March … > More >
I graduated from Marceline high school in 1961 and farmed with my dad until being drafted May 17, 1966. I was inducted in the army at the induction station in Kansas City and got orders to go to Fort Leonard Wood, MO for basic training. While at the reception center I … > More >
D Company 1st Battalion, 1st Marines United States Marine Corps 0311 Infantry Rifleman Years of Service: Jan 5, 1966 – Jan 5, 1968 Wounded Sept 23, 1966 Vietnam war
I was drafted but when I arrived at Union Station in Kansas City we could sign a “dream sheet’ indicating which branch we wanted to join. … > More >
US ARMY – Army Artillery Division, Korean War, First Lieutenant
Tully Brown Reed was born to H. B. and Mary V. Schrock Reed on August 27th, 1932 in Hammond, IN. He soon moved with his parents and older brother Thomas to Linn County, MO, graduating from Linneus High School in 1950. He studied Agricultural … > More >
Erastus Taylor was born in Elba, Genesee County, New York on December 24, 1832. On November 27, 1856 he married Elizabeth Malvina Howe, also of Elba. In 1858 they moved to western Wisconsin where Erastus farmed and taught school. Their first son, Manly Howe, was born February 25, 1859. January 16, 1862 … > More >
Michael Anthony Owen was born in Kansas City to George D Owen and Anna Sonich Owen on October 13, 1940. He attended Kansas City schools graduating from Rockhurst High School and was appointed to the US Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, graduating in 1963. He then received his appointment to Naval Air training … > More >